Saturday, December 26, 2009

One Week Down, One Week to Go!

I can't believe this week has gone by so fast! Although it sounds crazy to think that you guys still have one more week to go! You must be tired visiting all that family, I'm tired from just two days of it :D

The dogs are doing good and are mostly having a fun time (there have been a few doggy arguments!).

It's so funny that of the 4 of them Daisy gets the most excited about going on a walk. She wiggles so much when she sees us grab the leashes that it's hard to put it on her! And I love when she starts biting the leash when we're walking - it's almost like she's saying: "Okay, now it's my turn to walk you!"

And Rudi is just the sweetest boy! But, man does he have a crazy side :D He's so fun to have around!

I've been taking pictures and videos of the dogs all week, and here are my favorites:

Rudi chewing on his bone.

Kirby and Sophie wanted to chew too! Kirby ended up breaking that one, so I owe you guys 1 rubber bone toy, sorry!

Daisy and Jeff playing video games together - so cute!!!

Rudi saying hi to our cat Madame - he's very nervous around her!

Rudi chewing on the big dog bone :D

It's so big compared to him!

I love this picture of Daisy, she's so pretty!

Rudi giving Jeff some doggy kisses :D

This video was taken right after a walk - I guess they didn't get enough energy out after walking over 2 miles!!! Crazy dogs :D

Kirby and Rudi are such a perfect match; same size, same personality, same energy level. They were playing rope for a while, but I had to take it away when they started getting mad at each other!

Well, I hope you guys are having a great time!


  1. Yeah I can hardly believe it's been a week. I miss my babies so much! We are in New York now with John's family. That video of Rudi and Kirby was so hilarious. We had to show everyone. So which dogs do you have to break up the most? Because I can see Rudi getting too playful, but I can also see Daisy being too much of a diva...

  2. We have to keep Daisy and Sophie apart the most - they don't like each other very much :( Girls!!

    I'm glad you liked the video of the boys though, they are so cute together :D
