Friday, December 18, 2009

Their First Day With Us

Hi John and Jessica! I decided to just start a blog so that you two can see how your babies are doing here in Woodland while you're on your trip. I hope everything goes great, and I don't want you to worry at all about the pups. They're going to be fine :D

Today has gone really well. After you two left, I let Sophie and Kirby in to say hi to Rudi and Daisy. Daisy was very upset at the whole event and got really mad at Kirby for sniffing her bag of stuff, so I had to put it in another room :) But, everyone got along fine after that; they were just all super excited! Rudi and Kirby then spent the next 10 minutes following each other around the back yard peeing on everything and then peeing wherever the other one just went...boys!!

I went to school for a holiday get together with my lab group, so Rudi and Daisy had to spend about 2 1/2 hours in their crate this morning. Of course, they didn't want to go in, but I gave them a treat - bribes always seem to work well.

When I got back I tried to get a game of fetch going, but only Kirby was interested. So, I took the ball away and let them just run around. Rudi was very frustrated that Sophie and Kirby weren't chasing him at all; he kept chasing them, barking and nipping at their heals! Here's a video:

Daisy has been like my little shadow today. If I'm in the kitchen, she's in kitchen. If I'm on the couch, she's on the couch. She's so sweet, but if there's any little thing that she doesn't approve of we all hear about it - I'm going to start calling her Daisy the Grouch :D

Rudi on the other hand has really been enjoying the backyard. He just wants to be out there, even if all the other dogs are inside. He just sniffs and pees, and sniffs some more. If that makes him happy, that's fine with me! He seems interested in the chickens and duck, but not so much that he's trying to get in their pen.

Hope your flight went well today and you've settled in okay.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelly,
    Thank you so much for doing this! The blog is such a great idea! We absolutely loved watching the video of Rudi running around. We knew he would love all that open space! I'm sure he was dead tired come nighttime. Daisy is definitely a grouch! She is such a diva. Before we left, she was guarding our luggage and daring Rudi to even look in its direction! Not sure why she does it, but she really is a sweet dog once you look past the growls ;) She gets in trouble sometimes because of her attitude, but then other times she is just the sweetest little dog. I just think that is her chihuahua coming out in her, kind of like a small dog/big attitude complex. Rudi is just a happy go-lucky dog as I am sure you can tell by now. Hope they are not too much trouble... I know they can be a handful!
